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Editorial Policies

Ownership and Advertising Policy

CelebsBurb.com is owned and operated by Panda Media Corp., a Kathmandu-based company. Panda Media Corp was founded in 2017.

The vast majority of revenue that the company generates is from advertising through ad platforms like Google. As such, the editorial staff are not influenced by direct sales with brands and advertisers.

The editorials are also not involved in operating an advertising business, making them independent. However, our operations team is very much focused on maintaining a high standard of quality.

If our sales team closes an advertising campaign or sponsorship, the post will be clearly labeled with a disclosure statement.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to inform, entertain, and engage our readers, telling them stories they want to read, and interviews they want to see.

We do not publish stories for search engines, we strive to provide content for people by people.

Fact-Checking Policy

Accuracy in Reporting

Whenever we publish an article, we ensure that what we write is accurate. If we discover that we’ve made an error, we make sure to correct it and disclose what was the mistake as soon as possible.

When we revisit older articles, we try to find any errors again and make sure they’re up to date.

Sourcing and Quotations

We take our commitment to facts very seriously. We make sure we trace facts to their sources (if possible), and include links to them for full transparency.

And the best way to get a person’s story is to make sure that they’re the ones saying it. We include direct quotes from the subjects of our articles as often as possible.

Ethics Policy

It is not enough to simply make sure that our articles are accurate. Our editorial staff stresses fairness in our stories.

Conflicts of Interest

We strive to avoid any conflicts of interest involved in our coverage. For example, when we receive exclusive interviews with celebrities, we prevent the same writer from contradicting.

Types of Content

Whenever an article contains our own opinions, it will be cited or identified. We use a prominent disclosure statement in every case.

Editorial Content

In addition to unbiased reporting, CelebsBurb.com also publishes fact-checking where we only add facts, no gossip.

Public Figures

Whenever we cover celebrities, people, or events, we make sure to limit our focus to those who are in the public eye. We cover every piece of information our readers want to know but draw the line at invading their privacy.


We strive to have a diverse group of writers and editors to represent a variety of opinions on the topics we cover.

Corrections Policy

Whenever we find errors or miss anything, we go back to the error articles and make corrections to prevent misinformation from spreading.

An updated timestamp is placed at post meta whenever we make changes. We also add explanatory notes to articles so our audience knows we take accuracy seriously.

If you have a correction for an article, it can be submitted to info@celebsburb.com.